Adjusting my life back in Philippines – PLDT connection issue

PLDT connection issue and my first service at Rapidé service center.

I’ve been staying in the Philippines for almost one month now. An OFW works abroad for more than a decade came back due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

If not because of this crisis it is impossible for me to decide to come home. I will admit my heart is not fully ready to stay here for good because of many obligations. But with the current world’s situation, this is the best option now. I feel safer to be home, near my family is the most important.

However, with the few days I stayed here I cannot control myself comparing the convenience I used to have for many years abroad.

With all the recent major transactions I had, I feel services were slow. It is just disappointing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Philippines and proud that I am Pinay. And I know our government is trying the best to fix everything.

It is just sad that I didn’t get the good service I was expecting.

My disappointments are from the PLDT problem, and my personal issue with the car service center.

PLDT connection issue

My nephews are studying online, and are adjusting their life to this new normal. Base on my observations these changes are not easy for them (9&10 yrs old). Their guardian is having a hard time letting them concentrate on their class. Add to the burden is the poor internet connection. It is really a struggle for them every day.

The irritating part is the line we had is not the basic package. We are expecting to have a good service connection but it seems wasting of money till we totally lost the connection.

As I’ve read on the news there is a problem lately with PLDT connections in many places not only in our place. I tried to call their customer service hotline (171) many times to find out what is the issue of our line. Believe it or not, I’ve been trying to reach them for one week but nothing happens.

The answering machine is like a useless tool that will give you palpitation every time it keeps on saying the instruction but not reaching any solution.

I never reach any agent at all for one week!

The days that my nephews suppose to spend on learning went to nothing. I’ve decided to went to their branch in Cainta to file a complaint. I arrived around 10:30 am with queue number 76.

I was thinking I would be able to finish quickly, never thought I will have to spend 5 hours just to log my complaint.

The service was very slow as there are only 2 counters for the customer service because of the MECQ. And they can only assist a total of 80 clients per day. Wow, I was thankful I didn’t reach their daily quota.

On the other hand, the queue for payment is easy and prioritized. This is really always on the top list.

Few minutes after I arrived few people came in.  The security guard didn’t let people over number 80 to be in. Some tried to speak to him and asking for consideration but the guard was consistent and strict.  He told them it is not possible and just come back on the following day.

What the security guard did looks fine, he is just following the rules of his company.

The disappointing part is when one foreign lady insists that she needs to speak to the customer service on that day only. At first, the guard was firm but later on, he allowed her.

He was staring at me and other clients besides me if we were looking to him when he gave the queue number to the foreigner.

We couldn’t control ourselves and told him how unfair he is. I was sad to witness that scenario. Filipino should treat fellow Filipino with dignity rather than a foreigner.

PLDT Connection issue unfair guard

She was the last in the queue, number 81 🙁

I don’t mean to make this a big deal, but the way the foreigner look at us when she manages to get the pass is “See I know I can get it”

Back to filing up my complaint, finally around 3:00 pm, it is already my turn.

The customer service just took all my details, and complaints. Then he instructs me they will do a system test with 48 hours. If the problem is not on the software, the technician will visit our house within 2 weeks. At that moment you cannot say a word at all but just hope they will really fix it immediately.

With my above experience, I cannot control myself to miss the foreign land I work in for many years. Convenience to its citizen is always their concern, they keep on improving the services to be an ideal country to live in.

My comparison is not to belittle my home place instead I am just wishing that many Filipino can experience as well that convenience in their own country.

* we lost the internet connection on August 3, I went to the PLDT branch on August 10. Until now (Aug 16) our PLDT line is not yet working and unsure when it will be ready. (PLDT Connection Issue – PLDT Connection Issue – PLDT Connection Issue)

Rapidé Car Service Center  San Mateo (Personal Issue)

Don and I went here to fix our car shock absorber costing Php16,000 and ask for a quotation for other car issues.

They gave us a quote as below including the part for the sway bar bushing.

Shock absorber issues were fixed on the same day, we are happy with the service. As per the agent we need to bring back the car urgently to fix all the other problems.

Hubby told them that we will come back after 3 days as we have another commitment. The agent told him to make it a priority as it will not last long.

After two days hubby was cleaning the car and fixing the minor stuff. He noticed that the sway bar was not there, he checked carefully and multiple times the under part but couldn’t find it.

We hurriedly went to the Rapidé center to report the issue.

The car mechanic just simply said they didn’t remove it, and maybe our car was no sway bar at all.

We justify that in the quotation he requests us to buy parts to fix it, so how come he quotes us if it’s not needed?

He just simply said nothing and he didn’t remove it…..

We were a bit disappointed as we are very sure that the sway bar was there. Before we bring it to Rapide center, Don was already fixing a few parts of it. The service center looks decent and reputable that’s why we chose their service even the cost is a bit higher compared to those small workshops. Never expected to face this issue.

Hubby and I couldn’t easily accept that part will disappear just like that. We consult one car mechanic and verify if it’s possible just in case the sway bar will fell while driving with 40-50 KMPH. He guaranteed it is impossible, and advise us just to try to speak again to Rapide, maybe the staff who handle our transaction forget to put it.

We get in touch again with them by phone, and they requested us to come to speak personally.

When we came the car mechanics was not there, his team is speaking on his behalf. We tried to explain to them our point, and we are not there to fight, judge, or whatever. We just want to have our missing part. After a few minutes of discussion, they told us they will call us and will see what they can do.

We told them, the missing car part may not that a major issue for them, but we want to voice us how disappointed we are with our first service with them. How can they expect us to pursue the suppose to be second transaction amounting to Php 43,000 if the first we had didn’t turn smoothly.

After 2 days they called us and said they will make a replacement. Finally, we got a replacement, a second-hand incomplete part which is fine for us. It saves us spending 5-6 thousand because of others’ negligence.

The trust and confidence of fellow Filipino should always be there, but with the above, I think we need to be extra careful next time. It’s just sad that I am now in my country but not confident to blink my eye in my transaction.

Are you an OFW coming home soon? maybe you would want to read my entire experience from DUBAI to MANILA

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