My Diary – Rainy Sunday Morning, the innocent smile

Pinay expat Diary August 09, 2020 

It was a beautiful rainy Sunday morning, I grab the chance to had my breakfast at my mom’s garden. Zipping my coffee while feeling the cold breeze was so refreshing.

For a decade I was always in a rush, coffee was the only source of my energy every morning to face the stressful, toxic corporate world.

While working abroad for so long I never had the chance to start a day with this style. Calm, peaceful, and simple.

Pinay expat diary


Everyone wishes that life should be like this, happy, stressfree, and not full of sorrow. But that seems impossible in the reality of this system.

An hour later my nephew came holding his toy, with an innocent smile.

Pinay expat diary my nephew

Then he went to the kid’s pool happily put his ship toy on the water and started to play.

I was trying to remember what my life looks like back at that age. Am I happy? and free from worries like him?

To be honest, I can’t clearly remember. But one thing is for sure, during younger years life is not complicated as today.

It made me realize why old ones always say “How I wish I am still young”…. same with them I am starting to wish it now.


Pinay expat diary: Want to read my lessons and other life appreciation? please click below
Abra Philippines Beautiful Province - Cassamata Hills

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