SSS Monthly Pension a Little Worth for OFW?

In my recent blog, I’ve shared my thoughts and experiences about the importance of saving as soon as we can.

As Overseas Filipino workers, we know that our allotted savings would not be not enough for our future retirement. That is why many opt to invest their money in different forms. Either real estate or various of insurances. Those investments might good or there are chances as well of not so good. So why don’t consider as well putting a small portion of our income in a more secure way? Many pieces of advice that one of them is our regular contribution to our SSS. So, if one doesn’t have yet, it is a wise step to ensure to apply for it.

I’ve seen the SSS pension value to some of my senior citizen relatives. Those who are receiving monthly pension are proud and thankful for their decision during their younger working years. While for those who don’t have, really regret it. And just reminiscing the past and thinking “what if they do it”.

It is not that huge amount, as their contribution back then was not much. But I realized that the value of money no matter how small it is depends on your situations. It might be of a little worth today but might be a gem in the future. Especially if we reach a situation that we will just rely on that penny.

My parents are good at reminding me about regularizing my SSS payment. They are now in their 60’s enjoying their monthly pension for their dates, outings, some shopping, etc. And they are really one of the proof that it is a good plan to have this pension when you retire.

Reading my above thought is proof that sometimes I am a bit stubborn. In a sense that I know how valuable the SSS is but still I neglected it for the past years. Due to some situation, I wasn’t able to regularize my contribution. My mom keeps on reminding me about it but I keep on delaying it thinking it’s fine I will do it next time in one payment shot. Until it reaches for two years of non-contribution.

I guess when you are aging you are being more concern on your future. You are being realistic that getting older is a bit scary in terms of financial stability. This is one of the reasons why it moves me again to keep on my focus of taking seriously the savings matter (soon for the investment, step by step)

But where to start again, I stopped my SSS contribution for years. Can we just proceed it automatically? or maybe some are afraid like me that our previous contribution was no longer valid. So I guess it is better to check first our record right?

Thanks to many articles I’ve found online in regards with SSS topic. I manage to track my record from overseas. I didn’t even move from my house, just a matter of sending an email I got all the details and the GO signal that I can proceed on my contribution.

Some of the articles:
how to get your payment reference number
SSS contribution a must
No SSS payments no permit to travel

If you are busy and doesn’t have time to read all the articles above, below is the easy way to check your SSS status (Applicable for UAE based – OFW only)
– send an email to
* mention your full name and SSS number and feel free to write your questions and concern
– attach your passport copy & Emirates ID for identity verification to access your file
* within 24 hours you will be receiving a response from them ( they will give you as well the number of months and amount of your contribution
– and finally, you can proceed on continuing your SSS contribution

Below the 2019 SSS Contribution amount

A good thing for OFW contribution, we can plan on how we want to pay it as below

Contribution from UAE is easier with below Remittance centers partners.

Let us start doing our part in preparing a bit our future with a simple way.

Featured image – credit to owner

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