Oatmeal with cheapest Chia seeds in Dubai for healthy breakfast

It is understandable due to a busy schedule of working expat here in UAE most of us miss the important meal of the day, which is the breakfast.

I am consistent in missing it since high school days I don’t have a good routine to take this meal :(. But it is not too late, I am aging and need to be conscious on my food intake.

Thanks to the power of the internet it is easy to search for a very effortless food to prepare and very ideal for the people who are always on the go like me.


  • 1 cup of low-fat milk or Almond milk
  • Half cup of Oats
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional)
  • 1 spoon of Chia seeds
  • Drop of vanilla essence
  • Sliced of chosen fruits

Always go for the quick cooking oats, for now I am only trying the low-fat milk as the almond milk is a bit more expensive and I am not sure if I can consume it with 4 days (AED14.00) while for the low-fat milk a lot of cheaper options are available in the market with of course smaller size. I’ve been searching for the Chia seeds and couldn’t find a better price lower than AED30.0ad I found this brand in Geant super market at the cost of AED15.00 not bad.


Normally I use the vanilla essence but out of curiosity I tried the almond, it is fine, but I and miw prefer the first one. So far we are using a banana for fruits, I will be trying strawberry next time.



—1. Put the oats in mug followed by milk and stir it—

vanilla essence

—2. then add the chosen sliced fruits and drops of the preferred essence—

chia seeds

—3. If you prefer a bit sweet you can add (minimal sugar) then pour the Chia seed, make sure to stir it well—

love chia seed

—Hmm love how it looks like—

finish product

—4. You can refrigerate it overnight, however, I tried to eat it like 15-30 minutes after the preparation and it’s totally fine with this finished product—

Health benefits of Chia Seeds according to Dr.Axe

-Good for the skin
-Good for digestion
-Healthy for the heart
-Boost metabolism and energy
-Fight breast and cervical cancer

Let’s do it, start the day right 🙂

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