Dry and Itchy scalp treatment caused by Depression
Dry and Itchy scalp is it normal?
Clinical Depression is such a burden to its victim, their unexplainable feeling of sadness and emptiness are the thoughts that are hard to understand for one who doesn’t suffer from this condition.
Depression is normally unnoticeable as the sufferers are good at hiding their true emotions. Sometimes it shocks us to knowing the jolly person has serious deadly depression.
However, no matter how good they are in hiding their emotions, there are effects of depression or anxiety that is visible and hard to hide.
One of its obvious effects is the hair or scalps problem. Stress can cause flake, dryness, and itching of scalps. Hormone levels are affected by stress that may disrupt the micro-flora of the scalp.
Flaking can cause hair loss or scalp irritation due to excessive scratching.
Dry and Itchy scalp are few of the first signs of Stress
I remember the first signs that hubby has been suffering from over-stress was when he had thin loss hair. The first doctor we approached that time is a dermatologist, his finding was alopecia. He prescribes a few medications and informs us that the causes might be from stress. We didn’t believe him, for years we didn’t pay attention to that diagnosis until one day, hubby and I find out he has clinical depression.
Years passed we found a good doctor that helps us for better treatment. He explains to us to pay attention to hubby’s scalp change. In case we find any signs of flaking and dryness, he needs to pause and relax as he might be unaware that his body is affected by stress again.
Doctor Kowal advises us to use alternative light baby shampoo. Natural oil is a good moisturizer too, but if these tips are not that effective we can use this hair lotion. (Elocom)
This product is a prescription from the UAE. I tried to find the same brand at Watsons and Mercury Drugstore here in the Philippines but couldn’t find the exact item.
In case you are looking for the same cream/lotion, the Elica brand is its counterpart in the Philippines.

Price at Mercury Drugstore / Php 428.00
What to do in case you have itchy/dry scalp and suspecting it is anxiety, depression, or stress-related?
- Consult first a dermatologist to prescribe you a good product. The doctor may recommend you over the counter antihistamine ointment to soothe these symptoms until your stress level calms down or determined. Like I mentioned above you can treat mild cases by using mild hair products, but severe cases need a doctor’s prescription. Talking to your doctor is very important.
Want to read about our journey in dealing with Depression? Click below
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