Dubai Airport baggage allowance gets tough 2017
Vacation is such an exciting event for every Filipino working abroad.
This is the chance to be away a while from our stressful daily work. However, this is a bit challenging as well.
Challenging in terms of planning, allocating your budget and luggage arrangement.
Mostly the free baggage allowance is either 30KG or 40KG. But no matter how much we control our self from shopping the space still seems not enough.
Previously I read the news that Dubai is getting stricter in allowable check-in and hand carries baggage. I follow the rules of weight and size requirements but not the full instruction.
Regretfully, I didn’t listen to my friend advice that per baggage should not exceed from 30kg.
I thought we can manage it since hubby’s and I luggage are combine. Sadly, the check-in counter didn’t allow it and remind us the rules about the maximum weight per luggage piece.
The scenario was the 2 bags are fine with the weigh requirements but the other one exceeds to 37KG. The staff politely ask us to transfer the 5 KG excess (she can only allow maximum 32).
It such a hassle as we need to fall in line again from the end.
The second luggage arrangement is fine but still, we need to transfer few items to our check-in baggage.
As per the airline staff, the total hand carry including the personal bag, laptop bag etc should be 7KG only.
This rule is totally new to us thankfully we manage to squeeze it.
So just a friendly reminder guys to avoid all these hassles be mindful on the kilos of your luggage. It is really stressful
unpacking and rearranging your things on site.
Arrive at the airport early to have an allowable time in case of any scenario
Ask your friend/family to accompany you if you are not confident that your luggage is fine. (saw few Filipino who just give away their excess to other Kabayan, my brother even got few items) It is heartbreaking.
Ensure to bring an extra bag, big plastic in case of excess things is to return.
Additionally, don’t forget to bring your Emirates ID guys this makes UAE residence travel life easier. This will avoid us from long queue from the immigration counter. Just simply scan the ID once all clear you are now ready to fly.
Just in case you want to watch my video please visit my channel here >>>>>>
Happy flying and enjoy your travel.
Vacation exploration continuation-Hongkong-Day01
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