OFW from Dubai

OFW from Dubai going home for good after 13 years

OFW from Dubai going home for good after 13 years.

It has been a while the last time I publish a blog related to our OFW life. I never even notice that month of May and June are over.

Days are just fast lately, maybe because of the hard situation that the world is suffering. Same with everyone, my life is just like a rolling coaster ride for the past days.

The scariest scenarios that I do not want to imagine just happened. Hubby lost his job, while I am on unpaid leave starting today, COVID19 Pandemic badly affected our sources of income.

Today as well my parents are both in the hospital for my father’s second operation due to his colon cancer. The two old couples are strengthening one another as all my siblings are overseas. For now, they only have each other.

We didn’t expect that the second operation will be set this month. I hope and pray that all will be better for my father.

At this stage, I can only rely on God to keep us strong to face these challenges.

And I hope air flights will be available so hubby and I can go home the soonest.

OFW from Dubai going home for good after 13 years due to COVID Pandemic

Photo credit: FreePik

With my hubby and I condition, we both decided to move back to the Philippines for now. This is not an easy decision for us, we’ve been starting our married life in this country.

To be honest, we never imagine living our life together in the Philippines at this early time. It is not because we don’t want my beloved country, it is just we don’t know how to start again. We always felt that starting again in the Philippines is too late for us. Our retirement plan should be 7-10 years from now.

But I know we can make it, just a matter of time we can adjust to this new chapter.

The good thing is hubby and I been practicing living in a simple way for a year now. I guess this new adjustment will be a little easy, I hope so.

For sure we will miss this country so much, this place has always a special part in our story. Both of us came here very young, inexperienced, thanks to this country that molds us to be mature and responsible people.

So far, we are both busy packing all the things we accumulated for many years. Each item has a memory that just hard to let go.

For many OFW who lost their job and worrying so much about starting life in the Philippines again, be positive we can all make it.

See you Pilipinas very soon!

No work no pay OFW

adaptation is the key

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