Camera is life, with these I can capture the world
Photography is very close to my heart.
For me, the small piece of printed photo is so powerful to bring back good memories and all.
I grew up reading the sweet valley high book I guess I got my interest in photography from that books. The two major characters are fan of photography too and they love printing it by themselves in “Darkroom”
So, I imagined my self that soon I will be having my own camera and be a good photographer.
My passion for photography increase when I was 15 years old I felt that events or any occasions are not complete without any photos as a souvenir.
Back then it was in the generation of a film camera, 36 shots are not enough for me. Seeing those captured moments gives me different happiness.
The sad part was I don’t own a camera. Instead, I am just borrowing from my aunt but I felt shy to borrow it frequently.
I was in a rebellious stage that time and don’t want to ask my parents to buy it for me. But if I do they will definitely support me. I have this feeling of “proving my self that year”. I can have it without my parent’s support.
What a crazy, proud and wild child I was to think I can have it without their support :(. Not even thinking they are supporting my studies.
So what I did during the summer break I decided to sell snacks like Halo Halo, Kikiam and Fish ball using my own savings.
My aunts help and taught me how to do it and how to earn well from it.
And hooray! after 1 month I managed to buy my own camera, me and my parents are proud every time we are reminiscing it.
Anyways enough of my childhood experience aside from that story I wanted to share with you guys my current gadgets in taking photos. Everything has changed rapidly to digital.
Normally I am using my I phone 6 for photos but eventually after assessing my craft and checking few well-experienced blogger page I noticed that my photos are not that good.

Would like to use this opportunity to thanks the selfie stick inventor 🙂 this is always in my bag so in case I need to take a selfie or groupie I am ready
So I decided to use this Sony.
We’ve been using this Sony camera since 2014 but I felt lazy carrying it with me all day. But as per my mentor (hubby) if I really want to do my craft well I should sacrifice a bit.
And yeah I am trying to study how to take a good & quality photo.
Since I do really love photos (physically printed) I didn’t miss the chance of owning a Polaroid camera. It is cool and fun to use.

I brought this cam during one of our office gatherings I was trying to hide from my boss. I was conscious as he might think I am childish. But surprisingly he enjoyed using it a lot and even ask few copies of the group photo.
This Canon camera is very memorable for me this is my first camera bought as an OFW in Dubai. I had it on 2010 or 2011 and till now it is still working fine.
Sometimes I am using this Go pro especially for videos. As much as I wanted the quality of it but I am not comfortable using it as this model doesn’t have a built in screen, I prefer to see the photos taken right after I clicked the shutter.
Though I love photography ever since but sadly I didn’t excel on it. I lost my focus and been always confused on what I really want to be.
Even before creating this website, I was conscious and thinking that it is too late for me to have a hobby. I am always thinking that I am not in the generation of exploring my self. But I was wrong, I learn that one people should not stop learning, exploring themselves and do the things that they love to do no matter what their age are.
Currently, I am patiently reading some books online about photography as I don’t have enough time to take a proper schooling and hopefully to improve on it not for a career matters but for my self fulfillment.
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